Sunday, May 31, 2009

"The wrath of God lies sleeping. It was hid a million years before men were and only men have power to wake it. Hell ain't half full. Hear me. Ye carry war of a madman's making onto a foreign land. Ye'll wake more than the dogs."

Saturday, May 30, 2009

on graduating from college:

My life has become that feeling of realization you get when you have been at home, not going outside at all save for checking the mail, watching the same television channel until you start noticing what advertisers have their stake in that particular television organization.

But hey, I have a degree, now.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

on battlebots:

Everything is riding on this one thing. If it fails, well.. let's just hope it does not.

Bear with me; been having a hard time being optimistic, these days. I feel like a time-lapse video of a city. With everyone moving around and cloudy-fog looking like smoke as it's all sped-up in it's transit and lights turning on and off in the dark so fast you would think they're playing a game.

I want to be ten years past this point in my life and looking back on how trivial all this is. Not saying I will have my shit together, but I just want the proof that all this is really for naught. That all this worrying was just a waste and that there is so much more that I could be doing with my time.

But hey, I'm an optimist.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

on popular culture:

Could someone else please check the Family Guy? I think it's way past its expiry date. I want to make sure it's not just me.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Saturday, December 6, 2008

an open letter to the University System of Georgia:

Oh—hey you. How is everything? I'm fine. Things are going well. About to graduate from college! Yay! But there are just some things I want to talk to you about. About some fees you find necessary to charge me.

I got this e-mail today, about how you're going to charge me an additional $100 in fees for the spring semester. Now, I was upset about this, but when I read the e-mail I found myself even more infuriated. It was particularly this bit that got me angry:

"As each of you is aware, the nation and Georgia are undergoing challenging economic conditions. Here in Georgia, state revenue collections are, through the end of October, down two percent over the previous year. Georgia, by its constitution, must operate a balanced budget."


"In August, the Board of Regents took action to reduce current Fiscal Year 2009 operating budgets by six percent. In addition, the board approved in concept reduction plans totaling eight and ten percent. Economic indicators now make it clear that we must make a further reduction to the eight percent level. Accordingly, the regents met today and approved two of the steps it had previously adopted in concept, back in August."

Wait, what? What the fuck does that mean?

"I wanted to make you personally aware of the decisions that were made that directly affect you and will be implemented in January 2009. For the spring 2009 semester, each student will pay an additional temporary fee in order to maintain academic quality."

So in order to reduce the budget you want to charge me an additional $100? If this was not bad enough, I already had to pay more in fees this semester as my university, Georgia State, decided to take on a football stadium/team and Greek life [which includes building some frat houses on some prime real estate in sunny bum-laden downtown] and upped the "mandatory" fees per students.

Now, in all honesty, I should not really complain. I have the HOPE scholarship which basically gives me a free ride to any public college in Georgia. Unfortunately, with out such a scholarship I am not sure I could attend college. So, God bless HOPE. But the HOPE has stipulations, in that it will only cover a certain amount of the "mandatory" fees imposed by GSU. So those "mandatory" fees I was charged for Fall '08 came out of pocket. And additionally, I finally realized why I never get all of the money [$150: which roughly equals one and a half books, but that's a whole 'nother rant] allotted for textbooks. Because of that fucking lame stipulation, all the book money went to compensate the increase of fees that has steadily been occurring each semester I have been enrolled at GSU. So, fuck you guys.

And now you tell me that in an effort to reduce the budget you're going to charge me another $100? Come the fuck on! My scholarship that is basically supposed to pay for my entire undergraduate, collegiate career falls short, and now you want to charge me more money? The fuck?!

"By assessing this temporary fee during what are extraordinarily challenging budget times, we are reaching out to students and asking for your help in maintaining the academic quality you deserve. Our philosophy is keep tuition affordable, provide access and offer a quality education. Sacrificing that quality is never an option."

If you were really "reaching out to students" and trying to "provide access" to college you would lower tuition and fees, not raise them. And have you met my history teacher? The only quality she's representing is how to make history undeniably boring. Seriously, fuck you guys.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

brazilian wacks

Hooray! Sleep-pants season has started! Now, let us Atlantans revel in this realization for the two months it will be "cold".

I had a dream I went to the junkyard and it was pretty empty. In the dream it looked like IKEA but was actually in some family's house. I found the location of the European cars but instead of Volvos or Mercedes there were boxes of Lego pieces and brand-new, boxed office chairs that swivel. They said they get new shipments every Tuesday, but it was Sunday. Hayley and I left as a child poured water from a watering can on my head.